Monday: On Monday I had to get up at 5:30 to make it to the train on time. It was so fun on the train, I think we spent most of the time on the back carriage taking photos. We got to Piction we were on a playground for an hour and a bit. On the ferry was really cool, great views. As we got off the ferry we went into a room to get our luggage then we got shuttles to the YHA. We took our bags up to our rooms made our beds then came down stairs for pizza. After that we went to the waterfront. We got back went up to our rooms and it was 10 minutes before it was lights out.
Tuesday: We went to the Museum of City and Sea, Nation Archives, Parliament, St Pauls Cathedral, McDonalds, Circa Theatre, and of course 10 minutes before lights out.
Wednesday: We got to go to National War Memorial Park, Capital E Gaming and Wake Up New Zealand, Subway, Roller Blading and Rock Climbing, And 10 minutes before lights out.
Thursday: Walking up Mt Victoria, Te Papa, Cable car to Observatory, Westpac Stadium, Food Court.
Friday: Weta Workshop, shuttles to airport, Wait 5 HOURS and finally we are home.
It was my best camp ever!
Friday, December 11, 2015
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
My Genius Hour- Border Collies
Last term our class choose a topic to research on Last term our class choose a topic to research on Border Collies as I have one myself. I was doing it on the Christchurch Boys High School's 1st XV rugby team but it was too hard to research so I changed my topic to this one that was a bit easier to research. So as you know my project is on Border Collies and i hope you enjoy!
Friday, October 23, 2015
My 100WC- Week 2
The Day Of Bad Luck
I was walking through the forest when I heard a large crack.I walked over to where the sound was coming from... I got grabbed on the leg from behind...It felt like an eel wrapping around my leg. It pulled me into the hole that it came out of , I was screaming,"HELP!" Nobody heard me. After a while I broke free and started to run away. As I was walking past a pond, the day after I got pulled into a hole, A whale jumped out of the pond and landed on me... Horrible day to be me.
Friday, October 16, 2015
My Holiday!
It started on the Friday we finished school. We got home and I went straight to my bedroom and lay there for about 20 minutes. The first Monday my nana took Hunter my cousin and I out to a skate park, stayed there for about 2 hours and then went back home. From Tuesday- Thursday I was really tired so I slept in until 11:00! On the Friday My nana, Hunter and my cousin went to Willobank and we patted eels! It was really fun. On Saturday I got a call from Logan asking if I wanted to go see a rugby game, of course I said yes. So they picked me up and we went to AMI stadium to watch Southland vs Canterbury. Canterbury won. After that I stayed the night at Logans and we got 0 Hours of sleep. Then the night before school started I got 13 hours of sleep!
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Soft Toy Robbery
I was driving my Cadillac past the mall when a teddy bear jumped out at me, threw me out of the car and drove away. So I called my friend and he came to me and picked me up. We drove up the hills, but the road went 2 ways so we went 1 way up the hill. I saw my number plate so my friend slammed the brakes and went out to talk to the soft toys. They started the car and tried to get away but it broke down. We threw them out got back in our cars and drove away.
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
YMS Year 7 Timetable
All term our class has been filling in our timetable to plan ahead what we have been doing for the week. Every day we look back on how the day went and reflected on it. Green= I worked as hard as I could. Orange=I kind of worked as hard as I could. Red= I didn't even try to work as hard as I could.
Monday, September 21, 2015
My 100WC-Jack.
Last week we made an account on Night Zookeeper and made a story about this funny looking statue. This is my story. Hope you enjoy!
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Friday, September 11, 2015
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Monday, September 7, 2015
Digi Awards- Our Classmates
Monday, August 31, 2015
Yaldhurst School Anual Ski Trip
On Friday 28th August Yaldhurst School, well the Year 4-8s, went on a ski trip like we do every year.
We left school at 7:20am to go to Mt Hutt. It normally takes us about 90 minutes to get there. Our trip was going well and we were traveling along and then we started going up the mountain.
About half way up the mountain the bus driver missed a gear, then she stalled the bus and it didn't have enough power to go up the rest of the mountain. So some of the parents transported some of us up and we were about to call Mt Hutt but then a Casmere School bus came up and took 20 of us. After a few more minutes another one came and picked up the rest of us.
When we got up there Mr Robertson gave us our cards and we went in to get our ski boots and skis. Logan and I went up the magic carpet 3 or 4 times and then we had our lesson with an Australian man. We didn't go down the magic carpet in the lesson this year because we had already been up the quad.
The lesson went on for 1 and a half hours until 12:00 and the rest of the day we just went up the chairlift and kept going down. I went inside a few times to eat but that was only 10 minutes of my day. All up I would have spent at least an hour on the chairlift. Here are some photos and a video of our day.
Friday, August 21, 2015
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Weedons Challenge!
On Wednesday the 12 August our YMS year 7 and 8 soccer team went to Weedons School to verse them in soccer, we lost 1-0!
Friday, July 24, 2015
Manual Week 1 Term 3
Yesterday, on Thursday 23 July, we returned to our third term of Manual at Lincoln Primary. This term I am in science and my teacher is Mr Roozen. We were doing a test on which chewing gum lasted the longest. We had to put what we think what gum would last the longest. I put Extra Active Spearmint and It was correct. It lasted about 6 minutes and the shortest lasting gum was PK and the taste lasted about 1 and a half minutes. Here are some photos of us in science!
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Genius Hour Update!
I am just about to send off my letter to the manager of the CBHS boarding school.
I will write a letter to the coach of the first XV to.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Monday, June 22, 2015
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Yum yum! How did you make these?
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
100WC #35
100WC #35
Friday, May 29, 2015
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Monday, May 25, 2015
So as she lifted the lid she looked in the jar, she had found another jar. She could smell something unusual... The girl opened the other jar. She found a baby chicken. It had a bullet wound in its head and there was blood every where in the jar. The girl was screaming, as she was screaming boy with a gun came in behind her. It was her brother.The girl turned around and glared at him. ''You did ... You did this!'' said the girl and started to chase him out of the room...Why did you do it.
On Tuesday 12 May Chloe, Sophie, Asher, Josh, Gus, Miss Blair and I went To the Air Force Museum for the NYLD, National Young Leaders Day. We saw William Pike, Steve Gurney, Chriss Jupp, Jamie Mc Dell, Elise Wilson, Dr Sam Hazledine, Phoenix Pale' Anga, Head of Pap High and Head of a girls school. They were all speakers and told them about their story. My favourite speaker was William Pike because evan though he lost one of his legs, he climbed the mountain that he lost it on.
Friday, May 15, 2015
Monday, May 11, 2015
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
What Does It Mean To Be Healthy?
8 Ways To be healthy you need to:
1:Eat fruit (5+ a day)
2: Good sleep
3:Sign up for a sport
4:Drink water
5:Not too much technology
6:Play outside every day if possible
7:Change clothing
8:Eat breakfast

If you have any
other ways to
be healthy
comment below!
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Thursday, February 5, 2015
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